domingo, 10 de abril de 2011


Take us with the floods.

Estoy realmente... raro.
Es una sensación un tanto extraña y no quiero que esté ahí.
Se manifiesta como las agujetas en el abdomen, con dolor. El sitio es el mismo.
No termino de acomodarme, estoy inquieto, nervioso... como un escorpión rodeado en fuego.

Puede que el final sea el mismo. Maybe.

Preocupación 0.


- Take this, I don't need it.
- Are you sure?
- Yep. Only make me feel pain.
- Ok, but... maybe that happen again... Are you sure you don't want it?
- I'm sure.
- Ok, then.
- Wait... I need to see once again.


- Goodbye, memories. I'll destroy you from my life and this time, I'll venture again, and will choose another way.
- Please take us with you. Wait a minute, this is not sensate, think about it...
- No. Now I'm not the same that years ago. Now I'm a... .
- Take us with the flo...

With trembling hands back the box to the time.

- Thank's. Burn it.

It's raining, but not out. Inside of me. Freedom or loneliness?


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